Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Glint Office Plays Host to HEB Chamber Ribbon Cutting

An enthusiastic turnout allowed us to fully utilize the square footage of our office as the extremely active HEB Chamber of Commerce showed up for our ribbon cutting ceremony earlier this month. Attendees toured our third-floor office, perusing various awards, work samples and promotional materials, including our popular Glint “Polish For Advertising” (which coincidentally works on shoes, as well). Craig Lloyd, agency president, addressed the group briefly in our conference room before turning over emcee duties to Mary Frazior, President & CEO of the HEB Chamber. Once the festivities were finished, all those in attendance enjoyed lunch from Chick-Fil-A, courtesy of Glint.

"We have been involved with many ribbon cuttings and it was quite impressive to see such a great turn-out for Glint,” Lloyd said. “To have city officials and board members come to learn about a new member goes to the heart of why we believe in supporting our local community.”

Glint is proud to be one of the newest members of the HEB Chamber, as it provides our agency the opportunity to connect with local businesses on a more personal level. This approach carries over into how we conduct business with our clients, allowing us to really listen to their needs and custom-fit strategic, tailored solutions to those needs rather than to adapt them to pre-existing creative ideas.

“The HEB chamber is truly about leveraging relationships, and we are honored to be a part of their membership,” Lloyd explained. “Thanks to everyone who attended, for a memorable welcome.”

To learn more about Glint visit us online at or call us at 817-616-0320. For social media users you can follow us at or

Monday, August 10, 2009

Burger King has no taste

In the food industry where taste should be everything, we were surprised to see advertising approved by the global chain that is anything but tasteful. Attached is a print advertisement being distributed by Burger King that is clearly geared towards a male audience, but will also be viewed by millions of women ... and worse, children. It's unfortunate that shock value has become so "un-shocking" that advertising has to stoop to these levels to market a restaurant that normally appeals to a family audience.

What happened to the days of "we have a great product, this is why you should try it?" Instead of, "look at our offensive advertising and let's get the world to discuss our brand." Excuse me, their "poor brand." Shame on the agency for suggesting this approach, and, even more disturbing, the client approving its direction. Burger King used to be a strong brand, but their approach to advertising over the last few years has left a lot to be desired. And this latest approach crosses the line. A short-term gain approach will never support long-term success. We believe this is the beginning of a decline of a well-know brand. And for us at Glint, we will not support this type of business, 99 cents or otherwise.

If anyone knows the executives at Burger King, please let them know Glint Advertising is available to help them gain market share in a positive way that supports what their business model should be, excellent flame-grilled burgers for the entire family. We leave everyone with this; listen, advise, and execute in a way that is memorable and measurable. If you can't, let us help. Otherwise, you could be left with a bad taste in your mouth, too. We welcome your comments and understand not everyone will be ashamed of this approach, however, considering their target audience and the playgrounds they build in their restaurants, BK should be. Visit us online at or call us at 817-616-0320.